Everything you need to know about upper digestive endoscopy

When should an upper digestive endoscopy be performed and what does the study involve? What preparation should be done for it?
What is an upper digestive endoscopy?
It is a minimally invasive study, which is used to diagnose and, in some cases, treat a variety of pathologies of the digestive system.
Why is an endoscopy performed?
Doctors resort to endoscopy when they suspect that a patient may have a condition in the esophagus, stomach or small intestine. Some of the symptoms that may indicate the need for an endoscopy are:
- Persistent abdominal pain.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Frequent nausea and vomiting.
- Unexplained weight loss.
- Chronic heartburn.
How is the procedure performed?
An endoscope (a thin, flexible cylinder with a camera at the tip) is introduced through the mouth that allows the doctor to directly view the inside of the digestive tract and detect various pathologies such as: gastric ulcers, gastritis, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, polyps, among other pathologies.
When to perform an upper digestive endoscopy?
Endoscopies are usually recommended by a gastroenterologist, in order to:
- Determine the causes of specific gastrointestinal symptoms.
- Diagnose pathologies that require taking or receiving a sample.
- Perform therapeutic treatments such as cauterization of gastric ulcers.
How to prepare for an endoscopy?
At Clínica de la Vida we always focus on meeting the highest quality standards. That is why our digestive tract unit has the latest technology in equipment for performing endoscopies, being a reference health center in Caracas.
In order to ensure safety, prior to performing the procedure, laboratory tests, an electrocardiogram, a chest x-ray and a cardiovascular evaluation are carried out, in order to guarantee the ideal conditions of the patient during the study. In addition, it is requested that the patient fast the day before and indicate if he or she takes any specific type of medication.
Is endoscopy painful?
In our digestive tract unit, the procedure is performed under sedation, which prevents pain during the procedure.
Performing a video gastroscopy or upper digestive endoscopy is an extremely important diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Performing it under the expertise of competent professionals undoubtedly makes a difference in the patient’s prognosis.
If you would like to receive more information about performing this procedure or treatments with modern technology, schedule your appointment today and request information about the medical consultation and how to prepare for the procedure.
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